Sunday, March 22, 2009


The kids were itching to be outside yesterday - so we braved being blown all around and took them to a park we found by our house. And since I have my new lens I HAD to bring the camera along for the ride. (Sorry to those who have been waiting "patiently" for me to update....hopefully a lot more to come.) Here's my weekends thousand words...


Simonsen Family said...

What a sweet picture of Garrett and Brynlee together- you need to get a big one of this shot- I love the tree shot and also the one of Garrett and the leaves... Did you photoshop them all or do you do some SOOTC?
How much was your new lens??? I am trying to get the D80 camera and two lens with it. I can't wait!
Love seeing your pictures and I am happy you will be taking them again!
Lots of Love,

Anonymous said...

Ok that last picture of Bryn & Garrett together brought INSTANT tears to my eyes. That is absolutely precious. Will you please please please email me a copy of that? Please? These are awesome Amb!